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Disclaimer for taking any classes online or in person

Declaration that all members sign when they first join when they complete the health form

I hereby affirm that in taking part in any online classes with Mobilates, I respect other class members' privacy and have no rights to record, copy or reuse material from the online class.

I hereby affirm that I have and will keep my Mobilates instructor informed of any existing physical condition or disability which would prevent or limit my participation in an online class. I will also keep my instructor informed of any changes to any physical condition or disability.

I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the following statement:

I am aware that if I choose not to take advice, or to disregard any advice given to me by a Mobilates instructor, during a class, whether in person, online live or recorded, I do so voluntarily and accept liability for all resulting injuries or damage.


Mobilates exercises are very safe but as with all forms of physical exercise, it is prudent to get medical permission if you have any doubt about your ability to exercise. The instructors can accept no liability for personal injury related to participation in the class if you fail to observe instructions on safety or technique.

Exercise should be performed at a pace which feels comfortable for you. Please stop immediately if you feel any discomfort during the class. It is inadvisable to do Pilates between weeks 8 to 14 of pregnancy. It is also wise to wait 6 weeks after the birth before resuming exercise and check with your health visitor that it is safe to do so.


Programme objectives and procedures:

I understand that the purpose of a Mobilates session is to provide safe and individualised exercises to improve health and wellbeing.


Potential risks:

The session is designed to place a gradually increasing workload on the muscular systems and thereby improve function. The reaction of the muscular system to such exercise cannot always be predicted with complete accuracy. There is a risk of certain changes that might occur during or following the exercise. These changes could relate to blood pressure or heart rate.


Potential benefits:

I understand that a programme of regular exercise has been shown to be beneficial. Some of these benefits include:

Improved muscular fitness and motor skills
Improved flexibility
Improvement in psychological function
Improved posture, tone and shape
Feeling of wellbeing
Improved back care


The Mobilates programme has been explained to me and my questions regarding the sessions have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that I am free to withdraw at any time. The information obtained will be treated as private and confidential.


I hereby confirm that I have read, understood and answered honestly the questions above and that I wish to participate in Mobilates activities. I understand and am aware that these are potentially hazardous activities that involve a risk of injury and even death. I am aware that if I choose not to take advice, or to disregard any advice given to me my Instructor, I do so voluntarily and accept liability for all resulting injuries or damage. I accept that this form does not give any advice as to my ability or readiness to participate and that if I have any questions regarding my fitness to participate I will consult my doctor.


Video library disclaimer

This is your page, where you will be able to find a library of Mobilates classes you can do in your own time, plus your favourite relaxations. You will receive a new class and relaxation on a regular basis plus other useful content such as reminders on how to breath and how to realign your body. By taking part in any Mobilates recording you are agreeing to take responsibility for your own safety. Please make sure you have no distractions, there are no trip hazards and you are feeling well enough to participate. Please do email if you have any questions or anything changes with your condition. As with all exercise programs, you are advised to consult with a medical practitioner/GP before commencing any new fitness programs and to stop immediately and seek medical advice if you experience any discomfort or pain. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Mobilates will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website or social media. 


The small print:

Disclaimer for taking any classes online or in person: Mobilates classes are designed to help you reach your wellbeing, health and fitness goals.  Information provided through Mobilates does not purport to be and must not be taken as medical advice, therefore, before starting any exercise regime you should consider consulting your doctor, especially if you have any medical condition(s) or are taking medication, are pregnant or have any related concerns.  By taking part in Mobilates classes, you recognise that there is always an element of risk involved with any physical activity and your attendance at or participation in any session is solely at your own risk. If at any time during a Session you feel discomfort or pain, you should cease the exercise and seek medical assistance as required. Your participation in these sessions is entirely voluntary and you may opt out at any given time if you so wish. You agree that Mobilates will not be liable to you and/or any third party for or in connection with:
1.    losses not caused by our breach of these terms and conditions; or
2.    any consequential or incidental losses which are a side effect of the main loss or damage and not reasonably foreseeable by us and you at the time of entering these terms and conditions.
Mobilates and its affiliates do not exclude or limit in any way its liability for:
1.    death or personal injury caused by our negligence
2.    fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and
3.    breach of the terms implied by applicable consumer protection legislation in England and Wales (to the extent they cannot be excluded by law).
Mobilates cannot accept any liability for the actions of third-party trainers or any breach by them of the terms of their service to you.
Mobilates will not be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage or any special, exemplary, punitive, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, which arises out of or is in any way connected with your attendance at or participation in any session. 


Whenever you book a class you are agreeing to the following: 

* By booking this class you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.



Cancellation Policy:  Please cancel at least 24 hours in advance to enable someone else to have your space. You may book catch ups as per usual policies.


Liability: Your booking means that you agree to the following:
* I understand that I have enrolled in a program of physical activity during my Mobilates workouts. I hereby absolve Mobilates and associated instructors from any responsibility for injuries I might sustain while practising the Pilates method or other Mobilates classes, or any actions learned with or by Mobilates and associated instructors.
* I hereby release for myself, Mobilates (and instructors) from any claims, demands and causes of actions arising from my participation in an exercise program.
* Agreement to this Cancellation and Liability Information will act as your continued agreement to all ensuing sessions whether in person or Zoom, live or recorded
* I agree to let Mobilates know if I have any change to my health and I will check I am feeling well enough to attend the class.

Mailing list: I agree to be kept up to date with Mobilates related matters with a weekly email. No spam will be sent to you. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Disclaimer: Text
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